The road you must take is not an easy one, but the Treasure is worth it!
God is the one who saves me. I trust him. I am not afraid. Isaiah 12:2

The Rein Family

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Lyla Grace 10 months

Mason and I have had alot of fun this month spending our days watching Lyla Grace grow into a little girl...well I guess she is still a baby but she has changed so much this month!!

Our sweet spirited baby has turned into an independent fiesty little girl...

She loves to play outside but most of the time she is eating the mulch or grass.

Mrs. Heidi let us use one of her walkers this week and she is beginning to figure it out.

She is already wanting to feed herself. Her determination and persistance is amazing...and very frustrating for the person trying to feed her!!!

1 comment:

Stephen, Jenni, Will, Sarah, and Luke said...

These are soo cute, Neely!! Love the blog...glad you are doing it! Reading your blog is pretty much like looking through a window into my own world :) Isn't it fun? and crazy! We'll have to get them all together sometime. Have a good weekend! Jenni